In my tireless quest to help both my mom and my mother-in-law make the most of their Alexa smart speakers, I’ve come up with another set of hopefully-helpful cheat sheets. (I think they’re helpful but it’s tough to know whether my mom and mother-in-law are just humoring me!)
I was indeed pleased to hear that both women actually went to the trouble of printing out these cheat sheets. They stapled them together and placed them in the rooms where their smart speakers are located (one on a coffee table, one on a kitchen counter). Both report that they refer to these cheat sheets on a daily basis. [Insert thumbs up and smiley face!]
So, with this encouragement in mind, I’ve taken a shot at another installment of Cheat Sheets. As always, feedback and suggestions for improvement are most welcome!
The first cheat sheet focuses on Phones & Communication. It’s copy and pasted in this blog post below. There’s also a link to a downloadable pre-formatted version that can be printed out at home. Other cheat sheets included here focus on List Making and Health & Wellness.
P.s. Please note that the voice commands listed on the cheat sheets are largely limited to capabilities that are available to Alexa users straight “out of the box.” However, the possibilities are much greater! There is a catalog of additional skills you can enable on your Alexa. (Think of them as apps.) To browse, visit the skill's page on the Amazon Alexa app or at
Phones & Communication

Find my phone: “Alexa, find my phone.”
Use Alexa as an extension of your phone:
Make a call: “Alexa, call [contact name]”
Answer an incoming call: "Alexa, answer the call"
Hang up: "Alexa, hang up"
Play messages: "Alexa, play messages."
Send a text: “Alexa, send a text to [contact name]."
Call or text for help (requires Ask My Buddy skill): “Alexa, ask my buddy to send help.” or“Alexa, ask my buddy to alert my daughter”
Check a number: "Alexa, provide information on [insert 10-digit telephone #]”
Turn off video (only works with Echo Show): "Alexa, turn video off."
Use Alexa to drop in on another Alexa user (requires the other user to give you permission): "Alexa, drop in on [name]."
Use Alexa as an intercom (for households with multiple devices): “Alexa, drop in on [insert device name]”
Use Alexa to make a household announcement (broadcast on all Alexa devices):
“Alexa, announce that dinner is ready.”
“Alexa, broadcast that it’s time to go.”
“Alexa, tell everyone goodnight.”
Set a reminder to call loved ones: “Alexa, remind me to call my daughter.”
To download the printable cheat sheet, click here.

Create a list:
“Alexa, create a list.” (Alexa will then prompt you to name the list.)
“Alexa, create a shopping list.”
Add one or more items to your list:
"Alexa, add bread, milk and eggs to my shopping list."
“Alexa, I need to buy laundry detergent.”
“Alexa, create a to-do.”
Delete an item from your list: “Alexa, remove eggs from my shopping list.”
Check your list:
“Alexa, what’s on my To Do list?”
“Alexa, what’s on my shopping list?”
FYI: You don’t need to remember all the lists you’ve created, or all the items on each list! They’re all reviewable and editable in the Alexa application. And, for those who are passionate about list making, there are a wide range of related Alexa skills to explore and activate – some of which are integrated with other leading productivity apps, like ToDoist and
To download the printable cheat sheet, click here.
Health & Wellness

Start a new workout (for new exercisers):
“Alexa, open The Chair Workout.”
“Alexa, start Engage workout.”
Start a new workout (for experienced exercisers):
“Alexa, start Quick Fit workout”
“Alexa, start random workout.”
“Alexa, open personal trainer.”
“Alexa open 5 Minute Workout”
“Alexa, start 7 Minute Workout.
“Alexa start the Body Coach”
“Alexa, Open Fitness Thirty”
“Alexa, start five minute plank”
“Alexa open pushup challenge”
“Alexa, open fit bit.”
Use Alexa to time your exercise intervals:
“Alexa, start my exercise interval timer.”
“Alexa, start Tabata workout.”
Start a new Yoga or stretching session:
“Alexa, open easy Yoga“
“Alexa, launch Women's Health Yoga”
“Alexa, open full body stretch”
Meditation, Affirmations & Relaxation
“Alexa, open daily meditation.”
“Alexa, open Headspace.”
“Alexa, open Peaceful Meditation.”
“Alexa, play Mindfulness: One minute meditation.”
“Alexa, open daily affirmation.”
“Alexa, help me relax.”
“Alexa, play relaxation sounds.”
“Alexa, play rain sounds.”
To download the printable cheat sheet, click here.
I'll be sure to keep readers posted on how my mom and mother-in-law feel about this latest set of Alexa Cheat Sheets! In the meantime, stay tuned for the next set. They include Smart Home Controls and Fun & Games.
And, if you missed the first set of Alexa Cheat Sheets, click here!